Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) Error days 

This page summarizes the consolidated audit trail errors, on notable days when error rates are much higher e.g. 100x or 1000x higher or more than normal days. 

Latest update: 21 June 2024

Notable Days

Thank you to /u/Region-Formal who has first found this

Monthly CAT update 20 June 2024:

link to pdf: directly: (backed up as well)

In this monthly CAT update there is a very strange options spike going from approximately 1-5M errors per day to more than 1Billion error rates per day, on 7th of June 2024. Whether this is related to some sort of extreme options activity,  I am not sure. but these seem to coincide with large volatility days for certain stocks, for example GME. More digging is required to understand why.

related posts 1:

related post 2:

related post 3: all posts from u/Regional-Format on reddit are worth reading - available all data up to may 2023 on my dashboard (archive dashboard, front page)

related post 4: from Region-Formal

related post 5: for the discussion:

for context: 7th June was the largest volume day for GME for a very very long time: (in comments of post)

related posts archive links, in case originals dissapear: ,

CAT error rates from a gsheet - as always open in incognito mode , and do so at your own risk, just a general online safety practice:


this is far too many "coincidences for one day": 1000x error rates spike in options, record halts for a security for one day relative to previous days, weeks etc. more digging required. page will update as more resources are found

my attempt to start putting them all together:


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